Living My Best Life

As an entrepreneur, life is busy … especially with our little ones in the mix.  It’s always been a primary goal to keep a healthy balance between my family time, business time and ME time.


I have to regularly remind myself that burnout is real, and I am not my business.


My secret?  Planning and intention.  It took a little coaching and a lot of practice, but these 3 things I learned have been life-changing. 


1.   I’ve learned to time block for each area.  I colour-code each for a fast, simple way to see if one area is out of balance.  And I always make sure I’ve got “Living My Best Life” time scheduled to help me regroup and ground myself, particularly scrapbooking, traveling or painting. 


2.  I’ve learned to prioritize.  I do my most important things in the morning so I can later deal with the urgent things that seem to pop up throughout the week. 


3.   I’ve learned to set boundaries.  I set my working hours, I limit my time spent on non-essential tasks, and I’ve become gifted at gracefully saying no when needed.   


Is there anything you should be saying no to right now?  Setting limits?  Boundaries?


What are some boundaries you could be setting around your social media?


Have you established time limits?  Do you need to redirect resources?  Do you have standards, processes and guides in place so you’re not “reinventing the wheel”?


You deserve to have quality time devoted to all the things that are important to you.  Relieve a bit of the pressure with Undercover Creators.  Call now for a no obligation, complimentary consultation.  Let’s tell your story.


#EntrepreneurLife #SaskatchewanEntrepreneur #LivingMyBestLife #CreativeStoryteller #LetsTellYOURstory


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